Managing Arousal in Powerlifting: Techniques to Increase and Decrease Arousal


Arousal refers to the state of being physically and mentally alert and responsive. In sports, managing arousal is critical as it impacts performance. Both under-arousal and over-arousal can detract from an athlete’s ability to perform at their best. This article outlines strategies to manage arousal effectively and methods to either increase or decrease arousal as needed.

Understanding Arousal in Sports

Arousal is influenced by various factors, including psychological, physiological, and environmental stimuli. It affects concentration, motivation, and overall performance. The optimal level of arousal varies among individuals and sports. In general, simpler and more physically demanding tasks, such as powerlifting or sprinting, benefit from higher arousal. In contrast, more complex and focused tasks, such as golf or archery, might need lower arousal levels.

Balancing Arousal: The Yerkes-Dodson Law

The Yerkes-Dodson Law (Figure 1) illustrates the relationship between arousal and performance, suggesting that there is an optimal level of arousal for peak performance. Too little arousal can lead to underperformance due to lack of motivation and focus, while too much arousal can cause anxiety and impaired performance. Finding and maintaining this optimal level is key for athletic success.

Figure 1: The Hebbian Yerkes Dodson law. 

As a powerlifter, you can try the techniques below to increase or decrease arousal leading up to a lift. By practicing these, you will build your self-awareness and chances of hitting that new personal best.

Techniques to Increase Arousal

Generally, as a powerlifter, you want to increase arousal before a lift to get that inner strength out of you*. Here are seven techniques that you can incorporate into a pre-performance routine. For some, this includes that particular song and affirmation, for others, it includes positive body language and movements.

  1. Energizing breathing techniques: Take quick, shallow breaths into your chest to stimulate the nervous system and increase alertness.
  2. Visualization and Imagery: Visualize energetic and successful performance scenarios to boost motivation and arousal.
  3. Positive Self-Talk: Use energizing and motivational self-talk to pump yourself up. Phrases like "I am ready," "I can do this," and "I am strong" can elevate arousal levels.
  4. Power posing and energetic movements: “look confident - feel confident”. By having a confident body language and movements, such as standing tall, crossing your arms over your chest, beating your chest, you can increase your arousal level. 
  5. Listening to Upbeat Music: Listening to fast-paced, high-energy music can stimulate arousal and readiness for action.
  6. Sniffing Ammonia, if you have tried it you know the kick it gives!
  7. Getting a good ol back slap before your lift! This can really help some lifters increase arousal, but be sure to get consent first.

Techniques to Decrease Arousal

More is not always better. Too much arousal can cause anxiety and impaired performance in your lifts. It can cause you to totally forget that important cue or miss on depth or balance. So it’s also important to recognize and control when your arousal levels are too high before a performance. These are some techniques to decrease arousal and increase focus before a lift.

  1. Deep Breathing Exercises: Inhale deeply through the nose down into your belly, hold for a few seconds, and exhale slowly through the mouth. This helps reduce heart rate and induce a state of calm.
  2. Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR): Tense and then slowly relax different muscle groups in the body. This reduces physical tension and promotes relaxation.
  3. Visualization and Imagery: Picture a happy moment in the sport scene or visualize a successful performance. This mental imagery can shift focus away from stress and reduce anxiety.
  4. Mindfulness: Practice mindfulness by focusing on the present moment and accepting it without judgment. Meditation can help quiet the mind and decrease excessive arousal.
  5. Positive Self-Talk: Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations. This helps reduce anxiety and boosts confidence. Instead of thinking “what if I fail”, think “I am going to do my best”.
  6. Listening to Calm Music: Listening to slow-tempo, soothing music can lower arousal levels and help relax the mind and body.


Managing arousal effectively is crucial for athletes aiming to perform at their best. By employing strategies to either increase or decrease arousal, athletes can achieve their optimal arousal level, enhancing their focus, motivation, and overall performance. Understanding and practicing these techniques can lead to better outcomes in training and competition, helping athletes reach their full potential.

Practice makes perfect, so make sure to test the techniques in training in order to find what works for you. 

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Keywords: managing arousal in sports, increasing arousal, decreasing arousal, optimal arousal level, performance enhancement, arousal techniques, sports psychology.